Yoga is for every body.

Iyengar Yoga Centre | Fort Street, Victoria, B.C

Iyengar Yoga Centre

A Non Profit and Charitable Organization


The Iyengar Yoga Centre of Victoria had its beginnings in the 1970’s at the YM/YWCA under the leadership of Shirley Daventry French. During the many years since then, teachers have participated in Iyengar yoga classes, workshops, and studies in India with Mr. Iyengar and his family. In 2001 we moved to our current studio space at 919 Fort St. Subsequently, we legally became a Registered Charity. This allows us to give tax receipts for donations and legacy gifts over $25. Under the legal requirements of the Charities Act it also means the centre is overseen by a Board of Directors who works with the centre’s Office General Manager to address all business issues. There are typically 5 or 6 people on the Board.


Although some positions are paid a salary such as the General Manager, Office Manager, front desk staff and teachers, there are many volunteers who help keep the centre operating smoothly.

The centre is a not-for-profit business, as opposed to a for-profit business. This is very unique for a yoga studio and we are the only one operating as such in Victoria. Students, teachers and staff see the centre as a yoga community where all are committed to supporting the centre in any way that is needed.


The main goal of the centre is to make Iyengar yoga teachings available to anyone who is interested. To maintain our charitable status we provide scholarships and some financial support to students through both free yoga classes and reduced rates. This means we have had several years in which the centre operated on a deficit budget.

That is why we fundraise annually and through this appeal we receive donations in accordance with our not-for-profit and registered charity status. Donors receive tax receipts that can be used to lower their federal tax payable.


In addition to the annual appeal, we fundraise through Silent Auctions and Spring Teas.

Another way to support the centre financially is through a legacy gift. This is a charitable donation that is set up during your lifetime to become available to the Centre sometime in the future. The most common type is a gift in your will. If you want to support the Centre’s work with a monetary gift but don’t have the means to make the kind of gift you want today, a legacy gift allows you to make your contribution at a later time. There is more information about how to do that at in our legacy brochure.


We are grateful to each and every one who supports the Iyengar Yoga Centre of Victoria whether it is time or money. Thank you!

The Iyengar yoga centre is like home to me! There is a sense of inclusivity and community as soon as you walk through the door. Experienced teachers guide us from wherever we are. I appreciate the clean bright space with the big windows and wide floors. – LH

Reflect, refresh and transform your yoga practice.

Join Us Today!

Monday 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am – 12:30 pm, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Thursday 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Friday 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Saturday 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Sunday 9:30 am - 11:30 am


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#202 - 919 Fort Street
Victoria, BC V8V 3K3
Phone: 250-386-9642

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