December 2024


send an email to with your answer to the question:

What physical and mental benefits have you experienced from your yoga practice?


Previous Questions and Answers

How do you overcome challenges in maintaining your yoga practice?

The answer is don’t give up! Do what you can every day. – CR

A good thing about the practice of yoga — yoga works! But you have to do it. If you don’t do it, it doesn’t work. First of all, what are the challenges to maintaining the practice?
For me, the challenges are in the mind. If something stressful pulls my attention in the morning and I have to deal with a problem like a shower leak, expensive renovations, or managing other egos, it can become all-consuming and urgent for the mind. One can even get addicted to dealing with the stresses of life. This way, one may miss their morning practice, and if this is repeated, exhaustion will start to set in. That’s why it’s very important to start the day with the practice — it sets the whole day on the right track.

Having the yoga mat ready with the tools next to your bed can help.
Set your mind on practicing before falling asleep the night before. If you don’t have a lot of time in the morning, start with just one or two asanas. Stand on your feet, feel your body. Tadasana. Smile. Give thanks. Set your mind right. This will become your life and will affect others.  – AS

I try and take deep breaths and find one thing to be grateful for. – JA

I overcome challenges to my yoga practice by doing a little bit to a lot of movement everyday. Anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours. A friend of mine used to say that if it takes less than 10 minutes and it will most likely benefit you; then just do it. After his passing, this mantra helped me overcome grief. Yoga too, helped me move through my feelings. Movement was a large part of balancing his health, and this notion of doing just a little bit everyday hugely inspires me. – GE

Has your yoga practice helped you during challenging moments of your life?

Hard times have been much easier to weather with some yoga practice. From breathing and meditation to postures and reading. Very grateful in challenging moments for yoga. R.J

How do you try to incorporate what you have learned in your yoga practice into the rest of your life?

Being stuck in traffic, I switch myself to quiet “ujjayi breathing” to calm me down. VP

That’s easy to answer but hard to do! Keeping calm and carrying on with a daily yoga practice. Of course taking classes at the Centre is like the chocolate treat! LB

I watch my posture and try to walk with a straight back – MO

Whenever I find myself getting upset about something I try to ‘let it go’. Sometimes it is very difficult to keep it gone, but I find I am getting better at it. – MS

Where do you like doing yoga?

Anywhere and everywhere… no mat required! – BP

At the yoga centre – DJ

I like doing yoga at the Victoria Iyengar centre studio. It’s warm, light-filled, and friendly.
If online, then in the living room and casting or mirroring my screen to the large TV set as it’s easier to follow.  – HM

I like doing yoga at the Iyengar Yoga Centre of Victoria because…
I feel cared for by the teachers; the classes challenge you in the asanas, develop stamina, but also care for the mind and spirit. – AB

If I’m indoors, I like to practice yoga in a spacious room with enough natural light.
If I’m outdoors, I like to do my practice close to a lake where I can listen to birds signing and the wind blowing.  – KO

Do you have a yoga goal or milestone that you are working on?

It took me two years of doing Iyengar to begin to understand the role that Pranayama was going to have on my practice.  I naturally tend to dissociate and I couldn’t find stillness and focus during Pranayama. I also found it hard to access the breath during poses.  After several years of practice, I had a magical moment with Pranayama that helped me make more gains in my yoga in a week than I had previously experienced in months.  My goal or milestone this year is to continue to explore and discover the magic of Pranayama for restoration and healing.  – KD

I do have a yoga goal which is I want to be a Iyengar yoga teacher like my teacher Ann one day. – SJ

As a student/practitioner in her mid- 80s , my goal is to maintain flexibility and strength for the rest of my life.  There is no doubt in my mind that the Iyengar approach is making that possible.  The preciseness of Iyengar teaches me the correct way to do the asanas and breathing to keep me safe, healthy, and fit.

The training that Iyengar teachers go through is formidable.  The result is that I have the utmost respect and trust in their rigorous attention to detail. – LF

Yes! I have not been able to attend any yoga classes since I have been dealing with Long Covid for the past few months, but I really miss it and am looking forward to rejoining again very soon. – KR

How does yoga help you with your general well-being?

Yoga has helped me with a multitude of well-being benefits.

But it is the Iyengar practice that has shown me the most benefit.

As a woman in her 70’s who had been practicing and teaching for over 35 years,and just recently discovering Iyengar, I am in awe of what changes I have felt in my body since joining this studio in January. – better sleep, shoulder issues resolved, clearer focus, and if I could financially afford to come every day, I would.  The wellbeing from any yoga class is remarkable, but since encompassing the Iyengar style, it has given me a renewed sense of confidence that I can continue doing yoga well into my 70’s and 80’s!  Thank you for the exceptionally skilled teachers. A.J

Yoga helps me by keeping me grounded and calm. B.K.

I used to practice yoga in the yoga classroom with my teacher every day 9 months ago in China. I got used to practice at home without teacher’s instructions 6 months ago which makes me more confident and gets big progress in asanas. I’m used to having yoga as part of life. S.J.

Yoga just is….challenging, rewarding, subtle and with you every day. Once you start it your body wants to practice….generally speaking. C.R

Do you have a favourite yoga pose and why do you like it?

Downward dog on the ropes. Love it for my back. – Holly M-I
Childs pose because it stretches my quads, hips, thighs, ankles and back all at once in a nice gentle way. – LA
Tree pose is one I have had to work on for years and as I get better and better at it I feel a sense of accomplishment. – ARI
Savasana because of the total relaxation I feel at the time and on into the rest of my day. – MU

What inspired you to start practicing yoga?

My friend. And in 1999 after a back surgery I did a rehab course – CR
I was first inspired to practice yoga by a very kind gentle teacher who often shared yoga quotes to reflect upon. I continue to be inspired to practice yoga because of the peace it brings me. And I love how the teachings are shared in a diversity of ways by amazing teachers. – AM
Two things inspired me to start practicing yoga: 1) wonderful, supportive teachers who showed me the way and 2) the realization that relaxing was what I was supposed to do in savasana. – AN
I initially began yoga classes at 12 years old at a Parks & Recreation 6-week class. I practiced a bit at home but did not really have any guidance or support. Years later I began at Iyengar (2016?) and attended two classes per week. –KC
I always knew, or hoped, I’d practice yoga when I was no longer working for a living and had time to enjoy the experience. But, … I developed a problem breathing… Speaking with a friend who had recently started Iyengar Yoga in a local recreation centre and her recommendation was to join her class… and so my yoga journey began…I didn’t come to yoga as part of the original plan, rather as part of a rescue operation. And it worked, I am now 16 years past that initial lesson and going strong. – SW

What brings you to Iyengar yoga?

Fabulous teachers, each and every one, knowing I will have a good experience no matter who is teaching any given class. Also I appreciate that my adult lifetime of practice has helped keep my body active and healthy into my senior years. – C.R
I have been practicing Iyengar yoga for many years. My practice brings me spiritual, mental and physical health benefits, and connects me to a wonderful family of Iyengar practitioners. My brother has been experiencing health issues and it was recommended to him that he start yoga. I told him about Iyengar and now he goes to 3 classes a week and is already reaping benefits. What a joy to “share” yoga with him. Thanks for all you do. – A.K.
I love the freedom and knowledge this practice gives me – S.B
My wife insists that I go to class – S.A.
I love how the teachers are able to help each person specifically yet keep the class momentum going – even over Zoom. – M.U.
I feel terrific after a class. – F.N.
Because I have always wanted to be part of one of those really cool couples who walk around town together carrying their yoga mats and happily my husband does too. – K.D.


November Winner is: Cindy Rogers – lots of member benefits for you to enjoy!
October 2024 winner is Karin Dayton – congratulations!
September 2024 winner is  Veronika Prielozna – enjoy going to the IYAC conference!
August 2024 winner is Linda Ellen Bosela – congratulations on your IYAC membership. Enjoy!
July 2024 winner is Hilary McPhail – please enjoy all of the IYAC membership benefits!
June 2024 winner is Song Jie – hope you enjoy all the benefits of your IYAC membership!
May 2024 winner is Alese Jones – hope you love your IYAC membership
April 2024 winner is Holly Milne-Ives – congratulations on winning a free one-year membership!
March 2024 winner is Angelina – enjoy the free IYAC offerings
February 2024 winner is Anne Kirkaldy – enjoy your new IYAC membership!
January 2024 winner is Caren Leidtke. We hope you enjoy your year-long IYAC membership!